Highest number of St. Lucie foreclosure properties listed: 11,896


The Next St. Lucie County Foreclosure Auction

  • 03 / 18 / 2025

  • 11:00 AM EST

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Port Saint Lucie Foreclosure Auctions

Tax Deed

1140 Sw Greenbriar Cove, Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34986

3/2.5, 2,660 Sqft
Sold: 01/14/2015


Tax Deed

2585 Se Calusa Ave , Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34952

3/2, 1,351 Sqft
Sold: 01/14/2015


Tax Deed

1889 Sw Citation Av , Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34953

4/2, 2,075 Sqft
Sold: 01/14/2015


Tax Deed

8105 Carnousite Pl , Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34986

3/2, 1,577 Sqft
Sold: 01/14/2015


Tax Deed

10854 Sw Meeting St , Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34987

3/2.5, 2,028 Sqft
Sold: 01/14/2015


Tax Deed

2817 Sw Savona Bv , Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34953

4/2, 1,740 Sqft
Sold: 01/14/2015


Tax Deed

2056 Se Berkshire Blvd , Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34952

3/2, 1,148 Sqft
Sold: 01/14/2015


Tax Deed

2066 Se Ellington Terr , Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34952

3/2, 1,885 Sqft
Sold: 01/14/2015


Tax Deed

141 Sw Palm Dr, Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34986

2/2, 960 Sqft
Sold: 01/14/2015


Tax Deed

148 Se Whitmore Dr , Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34984

3/3.5, 1,733 Sqft
Sold: 01/13/2015


Tax Deed

901 Sw Curtis St , Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34983

2/2, 1,445 Sqft
Sold: 01/13/2015


Tax Deed

1033 Sw Facet Av , Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34953

3/2, 1,583 Sqft
Sold: 01/13/2015


Tax Deed

472 Sw Baoy Ave , Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34953

2/2, 1,032 Sqft
Sold: 01/13/2015


Tax Deed

1561 Se Sutton St , Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34983

3/2, 1,848 Sqft
Sold: 01/13/2015


Tax Deed

1018 Se Euclid Ln , Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34983

3/2, 1,525 Sqft
Sold: 01/13/2015


Tax Deed

807 Se Carnival Ave , Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34983

3/2, 2,078 Sqft
Sold: 01/13/2015


Tax Deed

3701 Doral Ct , Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34952

2/1, 1,266 Sqft
Sold: 01/13/2015


Tax Deed

2055 Sw Morelia Ln , Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34953

2/2, 1,203 Sqft
Sold: 01/13/2015


Tax Deed

4260 Sw Allsworth St , Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34953

3/2, 1,546 Sqft
Sold: 01/13/2015


Tax Deed

468 Sw Ryan Av , Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34953

3/2, 2,197 Sqft
Sold: 01/13/2015


Tax Deed

5856 Nw Fogel Ct , Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34986

3/2, 2,040 Sqft
Sold: 01/13/2015


Tax Deed

2544 Sw Beverly St , Port Saint Lucie, Fl 34953

2/2, 1,357 Sqft
Sold: 01/13/2015


Tax Deed


3/2.5, 2,660 Sqft Sold: 01/14/15
Case 2012CA003559


3/2, 1,351 Sqft Sold: 01/14/15
Case 2013CA001253


4/2, 2,075 Sqft Sold: 01/14/15
Case 2012CA004012


3/2, 1,577 Sqft Sold: 01/14/15
Case 2012CA003811


3/2.5, 2,028 Sqft Sold: 01/14/15
Case 2012CA002890


4/2, 1,740 Sqft Sold: 01/14/15
Case 2012CA001087


3/2, 1,885 Sqft Sold: 01/14/15
Case 2009CA010141


2/2, 960 Sqft Sold: 01/14/15
Case 2008CA004180


3/3.5, 1,733 Sqft Sold: 01/13/15
Case 2014CA000118


2/2, 1,445 Sqft Sold: 01/13/15
Case 2013CA002750


3/2, 1,583 Sqft Sold: 01/13/15
Case 2013CA001624


2/2, 1,032 Sqft Sold: 01/13/15
Case 2014CA000021


3/2, 1,848 Sqft Sold: 01/13/15
Case 2014CA000003


3/2, 1,525 Sqft Sold: 01/13/15
Case 2013CA003424


3/2, 2,078 Sqft Sold: 01/13/15
Case 2013CA002964


2/1, 1,266 Sqft Sold: 01/13/15
Case 2013CA002330


2/2, 1,203 Sqft Sold: 01/13/15
Case 2013CA001690


3/2, 1,546 Sqft Sold: 01/13/15
Case 2013CA001618


3/2, 2,197 Sqft Sold: 01/13/15
Case 2013CA001235


3/2, 2,040 Sqft Sold: 01/13/15
Case 2013CA000973


2/2, 1,357 Sqft Sold: 01/13/15
Case 2012CA004545


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The Next St. Lucie County Foreclosure Auction

  • 03 / 18 / 2025

  • 11:00 AM EST

  • Online
